Saturday 19 July 2014

New Life: A Life Worth Living; A Life in Jesus Christ


And welcome to my special sharing place! For those of you who may not know, I had this blog made 2 years ago but I eventually could not keep up with the posts (unsurprisingly) and I suppose this blog died awhile back. But I'm now back and ready to write again!

I have the intention now to give new life to this blog by removing all my old posts (there weren't many of them, 7 to be exact) but more importantly, I am committing this blog to sharing my thoughts and experience on mainly spiritual and social issues. To some extent, you could consider this as 'spiritual food'. Yes, I'm intending for people to read my content, perhaps to gain insights to various issues and life questions, but also for them to become spiritually rejuvenated after doing so. Here's a little about myself and my purpose:

About Me:
I'm a Christian, evangelistic and relatively new - I came to Christ only about 5 months ago. I won't go into the fine details about how I came to be a Christian - at least not for now (Let's save that for another juicy post, shall we?) At the moment, I am currently in my first year of National Service and serving as a finance clerk. That's probably the reason why I have more free time relative to my combat-fit buddies. As such, I have time be out of camp and serve in my Church Ministry.

Before I move on, however, I'd have to thank a special friend of mine, Charlene. Without her and her gracious and warm invitations to join her church, I would never have come to know the Lord and be part of such a wonderful community so here's to you Charlene: Thank you for loving me like a true friend. 

I'll share more about myself in the future but for now, I guess you could just know me as Matt (since most of my friends call me that). Oh and yes, I tend to get really punny depending on the occasion - by the way, anyone got the pun in my blog's title? Heh..

My Purpose:
Like every good piece of work, there should be a meaningful and fulfilling purpose to it. For me, that's essentially to share with my readers not only my opinions, but the opinions of others in the online community and of course, what scripture says, towards many things: social issues, spiritual questions, healthy and meaningful relationships and so on.

I want to share with people the joy of being able to have new life - A life that is truly worth living and that is a life in Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. For Christians, you might understand what I mean when i refer to this new life: confessing and overcoming sin, gaining the forgiveness from the Father and people around you, sharing the good news of the gospel to others, enjoying fellowship, praying for one another and facing trials and difficulty together. Yes, these are indeed moments when we are blessed to have a life in Jesus. For those of you who have yet to know the Lord(Yes, I intentionally said 'yet' because I truly believe that you will one day come to know the extent of God's love for you and accept it :D), it's completely fine if you may not understand what I'm saying or have yet to experience God working in your life. It takes time. But what I aim to do here is to simply provide some comfort and motivation to everyone, perhaps even some answers to what some people are interested in finding out.

As a relatively young Christian, I'd say that there are definitely infinitely many things that I have yet to learn and experience but I really want to provide some hope and happiness to people out there who are spiritually or emotionally discouraged. If you're concerned about how I'm going to share on the things I mentioned, I'd say I give responses from multiple sources: my own opinions, what the online community says (perhaps expert advice and research) and most importantly, what the Bible tells us (so as to provide a Christian perspective for our spiritual enlightenment).

Last Words...
For now, I shall take time to pray and prepare what I'd like to start off this blog with. At the same time, I pray for each one of you that the Lord will keep you safe and continue to work in your lives. If you have any questions or topics that you'd like me to talk about, feel free to drop me a private message on Facebook (Link's on the left column of my blog) or simply comment on one of my posts (If you wish to stay anonymous). If you've read to the end of this post, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your patience and perusal - it means a lot to me that someone enjoys what I write or maybe even benefit from it. Lastly, to you reading this, I hope you'll have a great week ahead of you! See you soon and God Bless.

"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain" - Philippians 1:21


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