Sunday 22 March 2015

Top 5 Common Misconceptions About Christians


It's been awhile since my last post, largely due me putting it off for quite awhile (being busy amongst other things). It's great to be back and writing once again, and I'm ready to start posting much more regularly now. To begin, I will just share briefly my views on a topic which applies to me before my journey in Christianity.

To put things in perspective, before becoming a Christian, I never really did understand their beliefs, the reasons behind all their practices and why they were so persistent in spreading their religion. Actually, for that matter, I barely knew anything about religion. It's probably because I grew up in a setting where religion is taboo and I was taught to never be involved in anything religious nor to speak about it in public. Consequently, I found myself with my preconceived notions about religion, in particular Christianity, as it seemed to be a widespread faith - and I was cynical about it. As such, it was common for me to avoid them or keep a distance from someone when I find out that they are Christians. How naive and wrong I was to do such a thing! There I am, barely knowing anything about their faith, and already discriminating against them. It was a classic case of stereotyping. However, having been a Christian for more than a year, it is apparent that I encounter the same responses towards myself at times, and I'd just like to share a little about the common misconceptions people have towards Christians, so that we'd be better understood :) Do note, too, that all these are simply my personal opinions and that some points may not gain the same consensus from another Christian.

So here we go, the top 5 misconceptions about Christians:

1. Christians are perfect.

The biggest misconception of Christians today. You see, Christians are simply like everyone else: in the sense that we are all sinners. However, in believing in Jesus, Christians embark on a redemptive journey of turning away from their sin: first by seeking forgiveness from the Lord, then by abiding in Jesus and relying on God to work in them, removing them from the bondage of sin. 

This does not mean Christians are perfect by any measure. We will still fumble, we will still fail, we will make mistakes, we will revert to our old ways at times - after all, we are only human. However, for the very fact that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, his blood becomes the cloak that covers our iniquity in God's eyes. You may think: "How is that fair?" Well, that's why it's called 'grace'. 

To sum up: Perfect? Nope. Sinner? Yes. Deserving? Nope. Forgiven? Yes. Saved by our own efforts? Nope. Saved by God's grace? Yes. Loved by God? YES.

2. Christians are weak, and therefore, seek Christianity as a crutch in life.

Yes, and no. Well, that kind of depends on what your understanding of weakness is. Christians acknowledge that as humans, we are weak in the sense that we cannot rely on ourselves and we need God's grace, mercy and strength in every instance of our lives. 

However, it is absurd to claim that Christianity is a crutch in life. Being a Christian and going to church does not make us feel better about ourselves. We do not seek Christianity simply because it paints this pretty picture of the world and our future for us, we seek it because we acknowledge our creator. We do not go to church so that we'd feel like we're good people. We go to church to worship the Lord, to give thanks and acknowledge His power, to sing His praises, to listen to His word, to edify one another in the community, to love each other. Does that make us good people? Not necessarily. Does it set the environment for following God's commandments? Definitely.

Some may think that Christians rely on prayer to be 'blessed'. They feel that Christians ask for things in prayer, such as prosperity. Well, prosperity has to be clearly defined here. We do not seek for riches, nor do we seek what the world knows as success. We seek for spiritual prosperity, we seek for guidance in our endeavors, we seek for safety and good health, we seek for freedom from sin. That is why John 15:7 - "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given to you." is one of the most misquoted verses from the bible. Too little attention is given to remaining in Him and His words remaining in us. If one truly scrutinizes the meaning of these words, then the morality of asking from God maintains its integrity in entirety.

3. Christians are people of blind faith.

Just because someone believes in God, it doesn't mean he does it out of blind faith. For Christianity in particular, many opine that the beliefs of Christians are absurd. But is it, really? The history of the Gospels and the life of Jesus Christ is historically secured and credible. Though not to the point of 'certainty' (as nothing in history can be labelled as certain) but at the very least, to the point of 'beyond reasonable doubt' - that is, to refute the claim that the gospels are credible and historically secured is simply unreasonable. 

Another common misunderstanding is the assertion that Christians are 'anti-science'. That's laughable. If anything, Christians are more 'pro-science' than some scientists claim to be. In the first place, the term 'science' comes from the Latin word 'scientia', which means knowledge. Science ought not to be confused for naturalism! Who ever said that knowledge comes only from what can be explained by the natural? The supernatural is just as 'scientific' as the natural. Moreover, the beliefs that Christians subscribe to are scientifically sound. Biblical records of historical events and how things of this world came about can be supported strongly by many fields of science: molecular biology, homology, archaeology, paleontology etc.

God is the ultimate scientist and Christians know this by FAITH - Fully Assured In The Heart

4. Christians who reach out to non-believers are merely interested in seeking converts.

That is a huge claim here, and one that even I used to think. However, speaking from personal experience, it does take a lot of love and concern for a Christian to continuously reach out to a friend / family member / co-worker in spite of rejection. It is no easy feat to try to reach out to someone, to try to love them and end up getting rejected time and time again (does this bring Jesus to mind? :D). As someone who has been introduced to the faith by a fellow friend, I have to say, I am eternally grateful to her for not giving up on me and showing me the love that I yearn to show to others. 

From my knowledge, Christians spread the gospel and reach out to others for two simple reasons: The Great Commission and The Good News of Salvation. To simplify, firstly, to spread the gospel is our duty to God; next, we share the gospel so that more people may be able to receive the gift of salvation that is Jesus Christ. I'll be honest, if your Christian friend is continuously 'pestering' you to consider the gift of salvation and keeps sharing about Jesus, you have a true friend right there, mate.

5. Christians are prudes.

Absolutely false. Christians do not hate sex nor do they hate anything to do with sex. Sex was created by God! In fact, Christians hold sex in such high regard, they reserve it for a time that worthy of such an act of intimacy - marriage. That is why pre-marital sex is frowned upon: the gift of the body is the most intimate act known to us, and to simply give it away without the most intimate form of relationship is an insult to sex. 

On the topic of purity however, of course, Christians may not always be pure (See point 1). We too are people with sexual urges and feelings, we too feel things other people feel. But if our thoughts or our acting upon these feelings are immoral, it is a clear sign that our sexual sign is interfering with our walk with God. In this case, abstinence is essential to prevent ourselves from committing sin. 

Sex is a gift from God, it is our duty to give it utmost respect.

Well, I hope that my short post has given some people an interesting outlook on the lives of Christians and the rationale for some of the things that we do. If you have an interesting point to note, do leave a comment to share your views :)

That's it for now, may everyone have a blessed week ahead!


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