Tuesday 21 April 2015


Try reading this if you can:

Isn't this amazing? It is simply because our mind processes these words not by every letter on its own but as a whole that we are able to understand what we read even though the letters are all scrambled up. But what's the key point of all this? 

This is it:
We understand things in their entirety and not by their parts.

Essentially, that is how the human mind works, but there is much more beauty to this than meets the eye. The same principle can be applied to understanding the world around us!

"The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible."

 Albert Einstein, "Physics and Reality" (1936)

How true is that! It's simply mind boggling to know that we can understand the world around us, how it works and what it does... despite the fact that we are simply of small part of this entire colossal ecosystem! Think about it: We are humans, but tear us down to the molecular level and you will realise we are nothing but dust. You may cut open a human brain but you will see no mind. You may detect chemicals in our brain but you will find no thought. Yet, despite all this, we are complex creatures, capable of thinking complex thoughts, understanding complex feelings and conjuring complex ideas. Isn't this the amazing work and design of God, our creator?

If you look at the world by its pieces, they make little sense on their own. But take everything and piece them all together, it will leave you standing there marveling and in awe of God's beautiful creations! If you look real close, you WILL see God's creative design in everything!

The Splendor of His Creation


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