Monday 2 May 2016

Short Series: Looking Back and Moving Forward

Retrospect is amazing. Often, we learn the most through looking back at our past experiences and reflecting upon them. We think about what we did, what we should have done instead, and how we should have done it better. Most of our lessons are learnt through retrospect, hence the phrase: "experience is the best teacher: it gives you the test first and delivers the lesson later". Therefore, cultivating a habit of reflection is arguably one of the most important aspects of growth.

Growth, however, cannot be sustained by mere retrospect alone. You simply cannot hope to improve simply by looking back and thinking of what you should have done. Our thoughts need to be put into action. This is where introspection comes into practice: We have to examine the state of our mind and then consider carefully what steps we should take next. This is where discipline and obedience comes in - while we don't know what the path ahead will present, we have to simply walk in the things we know, and in full integrity.

When we maintain the a balance of the two in our lives, we find progress; we find improvement; we find growth. This is true of spiritual growth: walk in faith obediently and faithfully, steadfast in the teachings of the Word; and when you blunder, reflect upon it, seek the mercy and grace from God and ask Him for the strength to move on. Above all, find delight and joy in doing the will of God. (Psalm 40:8)

God has an awesome and amazing plan for each of our lives, are you ready to starting living it out?


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